Emergency School Closures
School closures due to severe weather
If the school has to close because of bad weather, it will be broadcast on Radio Suffolk on 95.5, 95.9, 103.9 or 104.6FM. Radio Suffolk will have timed updates at 10 minutes past and 20 minutes to the hour.
We will add details to the Home page of our website and will email parents and carers via their usual contact details.
Information will also be posted on Suffolk County Council School Closures web page.
In bad weather, the transport operators have the responsibility for getting children safely to and from school. They will decide whether to bring your child to school or not, given their knowledge of the prevailing road conditions
If the weather worsens during the day, pupils may leave school early. We will contact you to make sure that someone is at home to receive them. Please ensure that the school office always has up to date contact numbers and a responsible person is contactable at all times in case of any necessary early closures or changes to transport home.
You may also wish to advise your child’s transport operator of your contact number/s in case they need to contact you.